How you can Help them
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Aljazeera Spotlight on Horn of Africa:
10 million Muslims are suffering in the Horn of Africa amidst the worst drought seen in 60 years. Poverty has become extreme: children are dying of starvation, pregnancies are resulting in miscarriages and farmers’ livelihoods are being destroyed.
Many mothers along with their children say they have walked for a month on bare and bloodied feet to refugee camps in Kenya. Journeys of more than 300 miles are common. In their search for food and water, they have slept for weeks on burning sand under open skies.
Water is now so scarce that the governor of the Middle Shabelle region, Abdullahi Moalim Hussain, recently said: ‘Water is so expensive in the area that people are being buried without being washed, which is compulsory in Islam.’
Ummah Welfare Trust is appealing for funds to help feed starving refugees in Dadaab, Northern Kenya.
Rasulallah Salallahu 'alaihi wasallam said: 'Whoever gives charity equal to a date from good earnings – for Allah does not accept anything but that which is good – Allah will take it in His right hand and tend it for the one who gave it as any one of you tends his foal, until it becomes like a mountain.' (Bukhari and Muslim)
Our Responses:
Following assessments on the ground, your donations will make the following difference:
£10,000 will feed 1000 families for 10 days.
£30 will feed 1 family for 1 month.
£10 to feed 1 family for 10 days
£1 to feed 1 family for 1 day
The reality is that the people suffering today are being tested by Allah with hunger and thirst; and their ranks will surely increase because of this:
Shaykh Yasin (UWT Head of Operations in Somalia) says, ’They have lost everything, except the deen of Allah which is still strong, walhamdulillah!’
But we are also being tested; and Allah in His infinite Mercy is also giving us an opportunity to increase our ranks. But as members of the Ummah of Muhammad Sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam, we have to take a step forward.
Donate to Ummah Welfare Trust
Donate by Text: Text AFRC11 £1/£5/£10 to 70070, e.g. AFRC11 £5 to give £5
DONATE! Give as much money, food, clothing to relieve your Brothers and Sisters and their suffering!
RAISE AWARENESS: Inform others about this crisis. Invite them to this event in order to encourage them to give for the sake of Allah.
HOW? Through any trustworthy Islamic Charity or any collection effort in your local community...
Links to Charities Helping the Horn of Africa
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